BAKE Tracker

Monday, 9 March 2015


KSCE, is it the end of the tunnel or just the beginning...

(Vinniewatz sends a text to confirm his KCSE results, waits waits waits the responds comes the next day)
One week ago, the nation was hit with the hullabaloo of former students celebrating their hearts out while others lamented and laid blames on a number of factors to one factor or the other. There are a lot of posts on Facebook telling those who "failed" to take heart that they will become entrepreneurs and employ those who passed. That is a lie, hard work never goes unrewarded. Those who worked hard deserve to be celebrated and those who allegedly failed should be embraced and encouraged.

...when the then minister of education Mr. Sam Ongeri replied to my text, it was too late that i had forgotten. I had already purchased a copy of newspaper to check whether my name had appeared, on the irregularities not top 100. My worry was getting an X or a Y anything above that was gladly welcome as results. When i received the message, i first fainted internally before my physical emotions propelled. My face frowned with disbelief and wrinkles could show all over my face. My lips became dehydrated and started remembering all the lectures teachers had given us calling us good for nothing. I sunk low like the titanic and eventually jumped up like dolphins after they had their intimate relationship act. I had attained the minimum grade of joining the university, that is all i wanted.

When i joined the university, i was perplexed to notice that we did not have national level, provincial, and currently county universities like the high schools. We were all accommodated in the same institution whether you are from mwisho wa lami school, tahidi high or even TPF academy. Whether you had an A or you came to bridge mathematics course. I was much confused to meet guys who i had never associated with us because they scored good grades in the same class doing the same course.

Never allow people blow your candle off, you know your potential but always work hard in everything. KCSE is just the starting point of a lengthy life which is an exam also. #iamout

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